"Keep up the great work, Donna. There's nobody like you out there in the smogosphere, and you bring a very human and grounded perspective to a long-running dilemma of Los Angeles: do we love our lifestyles more than the public health it endangers. As a Smogtown co-author and local writer, your blog is indispensable! Breathe well!"
Chip Jacobs, Co-Author of award-winning book Smogtown
"Wow you’re fun to read! I was just forwarding your website to a friend and so had occasion once again to get wrapped up in your world. You are an inspiration. Yes I’m still reading and it just struck me how much like Kurt Vonnegut your writing, style, wit… but I’m probably not the first to mention that. Breakfast of Champions. Are you familiar with it? Maybe more like Vonnegut (serious bits) meets Bridget Jones."
Deb from Victoria, B.C.
Jack from Sechelt, British Columbia
"Wonderful review ... it makes me want to experience Fairmont Jasper Park Lodge myself ... and Maligne Lake ... and Chris and ... all things Canadian. Sure glad I found your blog!"
You've a fantastic knack for weaving humor with serious, life altering information - punctuated with gorgeous photos. A visit to your site turns into hours as I'm drawn further and deeper into your world. Looking forward to the film version ;)"
"Dear Donna,
I think what you do on this site is unique by combining real-life air quality conditions, and just the right amount of data, and steep that into the cultural milieu to give a better sense of place than anyone else out there ostensibly writing ‘travel’ pieces.
If you think about it, you can visit anywhere in the world and avoid drinking the water, you can choose the food you eat, you can select just about any experience you want, or avoid encountering anything unpleasant in various locales around the globe…. except the air.
You have to breathe.
Great concept, and very well executed.
Best of luck!"
"What a great site--and astute comments. Pollution is a bigger problem than most people know. I've lived in Santa Barbara for 40 years. People are afraid to admit how bad the air has become in SB because they love it here--but reality is, my allergies and asthma are out of control here and I'm planning to move north!"
Kat from Santa Barbara, California
"Hi Donna- Amazing blog! I ran across your excellent blog while doing research on air quality in Palm Springs. (Mike's Q&A, click here)
"My compliments on a superb and extremely helpful web site. To the best of my knowledge it's only one of its kind that provides so much detailed information in one place for the clean-air conscious traveler. As a business editor for a Florida daily newspaper, I know quality of life, and particularly air quality, are critical factors for many high-tech companies when they are scouting for locations to expand, or start a new enterprise. Your site, and links, provide an outstanding portal into this expanding field of clean air consciousness. Keep up the excellent work!"
Carlton Proctor, Business Reporter, Pensacola News Journal; A Gannett Newspaper
"I came across your blog and found your site to be a very interesting read. Thanks for what you do to bring clean, healthy air issues to light."Jim Cundiff, Program Director, Central Area American Lung Association of Florida
"Donna, You did us a wonderful service. I told the older folks how a nice lady in California cared enough to call me and see if she could help us.
We all felt grateful that you would care about us, here in the mountains of NC. Thanks for giving us a voice in your blog.
You did something very kind by getting involved like you did, maybe the man you talked to will listen when we call... Your kindness has been appreciated here in the mountains and I appreciate you giving us a louder voice... Thanks." (To read their story, click here)
"As a member of the wellness community, I find that Donna Barnett's Chasing Clean Air is an imperative resource for my well-being and the many clients I see. Personally, the blog educated me that I live within 2 miles of the worst nuclear accident in America, which has not been cleaned up! Donna helps protect my family by offering cleaner air and area suggestions. This is huge when I consider where to move next."
Arna Vodenos, Founder of Healing Destinations
"So glad you're scouting clean air and promoting a better environment for us all. I'm in the market for a hybrid, and assumed a Prius was the way to go, but now I'm going to hold off and wait until I see what you have to say about the Malibu. Keep up the good work!"
Kenny Reff
"Your site is outstanding and very informative! I live here in LA and have been hoping to one day find an area with cleaner air. In particular, I had been looking at Bellingham and enjoyed reading of your experiences there! Your writing style is excellent and a real pleasure to read! Of the many sites out there, a truly useful site! Looking forward to reading about your next journey towards finding a clean air location!"
"First of all, I absolutely love your pictures. What camera do you use?
I love hybrids, and have convinced my husband ("I am never going to buy a new car" kind of guy), that we are going to buy a new car soon, and that it has to be an hybrid! I am going to let him read your blog, to show him how his wallet will appreciate it too! Thanks for the inspiration!"
Peace, Claudia
Best wishes, Dennis
"I love all your articles on the San Juan Islands! I have been meaning to send you kudos! Thanks again for coming to see us and for writing such inspiring articles. I’ve really enjoyed making your website a part of my routine."
Robin Jacobson, Public Relations Manager, San Juan Islands Visitor Bureau
"Your book reviews are very insightful and readable. I thoroughly enjoy them and get valuable encapsulation. Keep up the great work. I am pointing my friends and associates to your blog under the heading of "Hopeful Blogs" and so far yours are the best I have found."
Doug Grandt, Al Gore Climate Change Presenter www.theclimateproject.org
"Echt super interessant. Very good site. Thank you"
"Your blog on the clean air and your trip to the Monterey Peninsula is wonderfully written. Bravo to you on a fine piece of writing -- and with great photos."
Cheers, James Raia
"Interesting website, enjoyable reading, beautiful pictures, personal reflections on the environment. A "must visit" site for environmentalists wishing to relax while turning green."
Ernie, Port of Azatlan
"I would like to personally commend the writing in this blog. I find it fresh and informative and very positive for a topic that is deeply important for our time. Donna is a friend as well as mentor and her kind of sensitivity is what our earth sorely needs at this time."
Naftali Camiel
"Thank you, thank you, thank you for all you are doing to promote clean air!!!
Some folks like to travel to see the work of the hand of man. I'd much rather be in places where I can see the work of God... Thank God For Environmental Activists!
Thanks for sharing information about the Skeena River.
Many thanks for all you're doing to promote environmental stewardship and for keeping us informed."
"Acting upon air quality truths expands our lives and lungs!"
Donna Barnett, Blogger, Chasing Clean Air
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