The busiest freeway stretch in the world is closing! What will happen in Los Angeles when the 405 freeway closes for 4 days? Peaceful or a mess?
The massive closure is happening during President's weekend. Four days between February 14-18, 2014! 80 hours! No northbound 405 Freeway lanes between Getty Center Drive to Ventura Boulevard. Zilch! In order to pave a future carpool lane, the city will divert traffic onto Sepulveda and throughout the Westside and Canyons. No doubt, if you can get out of town prior to what may be mayhem or quiet (who knows?), great! If not, stay home!
The outcome is certain: A paved carpool lane.
The degree of mayhem or quiet, only time will tell.
As one who lives in the Sepulveda pass, and is a first-hand witness to the spotty management of detours where diverted cars are free to speed recklessly on quiet residential streets at all hours of the night--granted, it's not easy to please hundreds of thousands of disgruntled commuters and residents--I can only hope Metro and Keiwet are up to the task. I can only hope they put up speed signs and deploy traffic cops throughout the Sepulveda pass. Especially near the most populated and congested areas. So far, I've heard about what can't be done to help with speed signs, not what will be done. I remain hopeful. What's the alternative?
May we experience another quiet Carmeggedon but I take nothing for granted. I'll consider leaving town. The added freeway lane and bridge revampment have been stressful.
Get Out of Town Ideas
Ideas for traveling out of Los Angeles but close to home: San Luis Obispo (take the train!), Three Rivers,(listen to my radio show for more info!) Sequoia National Park, San Diego (take the train!), Catalina (the boat!)
If city officials are reading, from any city worldwide, learn from Los Angeles's city planning and transportation mistakes. Please.
Prioritize public transportation always. First!
Great Books and Blogs To Learn From
Sustainability and Cities: Overcoming Automobile Dependence by Peter Newman and Jeffrey Kenworthy - This is an AWESOME book I checked out at the library. It tells the history of cars, the most sustainable cities in the world and why, and the most sustainable public transit cities in America and why. How you too can go carfree, and promote better conditions in your cities and towns.
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