The City of Porterville is located in California's San Joaquin Valley, which has some of the worst air pollution in the United States. So the benefits of deploying the EV350 all-electric buses are huge and include cleaner air and quieter operation.
If Porterville can do it, your town can provide carbon and pollution-free buses, too.
Two of ten EV350 all-electric transit buses were delivered to the City of Porterville to replace existing CNG (compressed natural gas) powered transit buses. The EV350 was designed and built by California based GreenPower, a manufacturer of all-electric buses. The next three EV350 all-electric transit buses are expected to be delivered in April, with the remaining five by the summer.
Commenting on the buses delivery, Peter Christensen of the California Air Resources Board, which provided the California Climate Investments grant funding to the City for purchasing the new buses, said:
“We are pleased to see GreenPower meeting these important milestones. The citizens of Porterville will benefit in the near-term from immediate air quality benefits, and in the longer term from the jobs and on-site job training at GreenPower’s Porterville manufacturing facility currently under construction.”