Energy and climate change leaders interested in solutions, listen up! Answers to solve our climate and energy problems is comprehensively addressed by leading energy authority and advisor to U.S. Presidents - S. David Freeman - in his new book, co-authored with Leah Y. Parks:
All-Electric America: A Climate Solution and the Hopeful Future.
Safe, renewable energy and all-electric transportation solutions throughout the world are highlighted with documented studies to help implement. Energy sources that should no longer be considered safe or clean are highlighted.
Examples include:
Natural gas production, once considered a cleaner fuel source than coal, often leaks methane gas into the atmosphere. This gas is significantly more lethal to the atmosphere than CO2. 120 times more potent. Methane gas has been leaking for months from a natural gas pipeline in Los Angeles county, where residents were recently forced to move and California climate change initiatives, are effectively, in check-mate. Read more.
The public - that's you my friends - must demand civic leaders to act on green plans. Freeman and Parks outline ideas for Los Angeles:
"The basic plan should be to transform the city's electrical generation capacity to solar, wind, geothermal sources and the existing hydro-power capacity all backed up by energy storage... LA needs to become the home of electric and hydrogen-fuel cell cars. Solar hot water and electric heat pumps can replace natural gas, and fast electric trains can replace most jet-fueled air travel within California."
David Freeman knows about making a leading difference toward clean air and energy independence through conservation, too. When Mr. Freeman ran the largest utility in America, the Tennessee Valley Authority, he stopped construction of 8 nuclear plants deemed dangerous, expensive and unnecessary. In their place he successfully implemented an energy conservation program.
Leadership will make the difference toward a cleaner, more independent world, which also addresses rising temperatures.
The book All-Electric America: A Climate Solution and the Hopeful Future and its smorgasbord of energy solutions, can be bought here.
To read my book review of Freeman's Winning Our Energy Independence, click here.
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Until next time, breathe easy and make life an adventure.