Considering a winter vacation? I have an idea, especially if you enjoy bird watching.
The annual Winter Wings Festival takes place during Presidents Day Weekend.
Earlier this year, I journeyed on the train to Klamath Falls to glimpse tens of thousands of migrating birds that winter in the area. Actually, seasonally, billions of birds migrate up and down the Pacific Flyaway. A large portion winter in Klamath Falls, Oregon with it's substantial water (despite drought 4-years in a row) and food sources.
It's also the location of the largest number of wintering Bald eagles in the lower 48 states.
In addition to writing Chasing Clean Air, I contribute travel articles to Creators Syndicate, emphasizing sustainable travel, wildlife and habitat conservation. I wrote about my train adventure to Oregon's Winter Wings Festival (Feb. 2015) for Creators, which you can read here.
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Until next time, breathe easy and make life an adventure.