BIKES vs CARS TRAILER from WG Film on Vimeo.
When Obama rejected Keystone Pipeline today, he said yes! to positive action addressing climate change. Now it's our turn to drive less, take a bus, bike, walk, turn out the lights. And get inspired, by checking out a new excellent documentary, Bikes vs Cars. Coming to theaters December 2015.
Bikes vs Cars advocates a new bike-friendly approach to urban planning. The film highlights challenges bicyclists encounter in cities around the world, including Los Angeles. This is a well-done look at the realities and hopes of what it takes to reduce our carbon footprint, safely. You learn interesting bicycle facts and history watching this documentary.
Did you know in the year 1897, Los Angeles was the location of a bicycle highway construction project to link Pasadena to downtown L.A.? Yes, the power of an individual was at work prior to the car industry taking hold. A private business man named Horace Dobbins and California's legislature worked out a plan for the California Cycleway, which began construction until bigger forces intervened. Now that's an idea for today...
How about turning the empty Los Angeles River bed into a bike lane, for starters. Just popped in my head after looking out of an airplane's window and seeing the drought-empty river bed, snaking through large areas with no job to do.