Tomorrow, Saturday, September 26th, is Public Lands Day. Go enjoy a state or federal park and protect one too, if the time comes. I LOVE many public parks: Yosemite and Sequoia National Parks in California, Denali and Kenai Fjords National Parks in Alaska, and Olympic National Park in the evergreen state of Washington.
To name a few.
Since 1906, American Presidents have designated national monuments under the Antiquities Act so that future generations can experience our nation’s wildlife, rivers, historic sites and open spaces. Almost half of America’s national parks were originally protected by the Antiquities Act, including the Grand Canyon. In addition, these protected monuments provide economic growth, giving a competitive advantage to rural communities.
So hurray to those who save and protect public lands. Let's get out and breathe fresh air! I hope.
I took photo while touring Denali National Park, Alaska 2014. To read about that fabulous trip click here. Oh, and before I leave you, check out the Puffins I saw on my Kenai Fjords boat tour. Incredible day. Incredible joy. Incredible beauty!
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