"Just look right behind you! Sometimes that's where you'll find your best shot," he said. Advice I received from a photographer years ago that I apply to life.
The results can be amazing!
What if we were all content with what's in our own backyard? Didn't need to go far. We'd have cleaner air, for one, especially if we walk, bike or take public transportation.
Spend less money.
Use less time planning to be far-away, which would mean more time discovering our own enchanted pockets of heaven! Right in our own backyard! Look over your shoulder, right behind you... Really look!
I headed out to find the birds of Franklin Canyon, part of the Los Angeles Mountains in my "backyard". Fifteen minutes away from home, and about 1 minute setting up GPS on my phone to get me there, for a total of sixteen minutes planning and traveling. And...
Sometimes the way to cleaner air is staying close to home.
Other birds of Franklin Canyon include: American White Pelican, Western Grebe, Canada Goose, Turkey Vultures, Great Blue Heron, American Goldfinch, and the beautiful Wood Duck as seen above... and many more colorful species from Falcon to Swans. To learn more, check out the Audubon Society.
To learn more about Los Angeles Mountains click here.
Until next time, breathe easy and make life an adventure!
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