Going carless in Los Angeles for me means a lot of walking. I look to my right! Left! Up. Swooping down. He's hiding! Peek-a-boo! I see you! Focus. Snap. Ahhh!
Woody-the-Woodpecker! (Acorn Woodpecker) and Goldie-the-American-Goldfinch! A smorgasboard of colors in my almost backyard!
Over the next days, months, unfolding present, I'll share my experiences and photographs from the carless road. Yes, I'm going carless! So far, so freeing...
No doubt, always a lover of wildlife photography especially in remote areas where clean air is typically found, I'm going beyond my love of the wild and soaking up the benefits of giving up my car in the city. As it turns out, Los Angeles by bus, and feet don't fail me now, is a colorful enchanted land with more than immigrant people.
And a fallacy that Los Angeles must be for people with cars, if you want to get around and on time.
Not true.
I created a new category today Going Carless (in Los Angeles) under which articles will appear about my new experimental clean air lifestyle. I'll still write about clean air destinations, priortize visiting the cleanest way I can figure out, (example train/bus to Yosemite) but when in the city rather than contributing to air pollution and congestion...
Be the change I want to see in the world.
To stay connected with my search for clean air & solutions to air pollution...
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