Chasing clean air. Being clean air trumps chasing. Let me introduce you to my new carless lifestyle.
I solely ride the bus, mostly Big Blue, in Los Angeles.
No extra carbon emissions from me! I upgraded my 13-Ride Big Blue bus pass to a 30-Day Big Blue bus pass, in order to go beyond my car-light lifestyle to a car-less life. Full disclosure, last month I was rear-ended stopped at a red light when OUCH! I received whiplash from a distracted driver. I wasn't driving much prior, preferring the Big Blue bus and Metro buses, too, but that fateful day I drove for groceries--a mistake! Or spun like the PR-pro I once was--an opportunity to go carless, and contribute to a more sensible 21st century life.
Carless means less stress for me and junk in the air for us. If more of us went carless car-light, or carpooled maybe, MAYBE, climate change would be successfully addressed!
How long will I live without a car? This is an experiment. I'm considering 6 months, and if I go 6 months, 12 months, and if I go 12 months, sell my car. Current thoughts.
I tune out the stuck-in-their-old-ways folks who tell me I'll get over it. Like going carless is a disease in need of a cure. A Consumer Reports approved safe car, perhaps? All cars are the unhealthy addiction clogging our roads, making people irritable and distracted. I have friends who just don't know how easy and pleasant taking the bus is, and they remain shielded from the free feeling one gets when taking the bus: Someone else takes the stress of driving, no hassle parking, no hassle looking for quarters or credit card to park, no worry about another acci... Rather my friends, the great majority, look for the the best and safest cars to drive, and plan ahead for the best routes. I used to think like that too, even wrote a clean cars column.
Anyway, I haven't chased lately; researched bus lines, check. Researched "chasing clean air" trips that involve public transportation, check.
Totally carless environments exist, too.
Researched carless places, check.
I could be on Hydra Island in the Aegean off of the coast of Greece right now. That's where donkeys are the preferred mode of transport. I wonder how it smells, though? Or strolling along Mackinac Island in Michigan. Or hanging out in the village of Jakriborg, Sweden. And then what? Interesting to find out. Learn how people lived preindustrial revolution-like. I love to walk! Especially without fear of cars in the pedestrian crosswalks. Look both ways, stare down drivers protruding into intersection, looking impatient. But don't get into a modern duel.
If you're sincere about chasing clean air and that's why you're reading this blog, we all must be clean air. Try. And then air quality will have a chance to get even better. I acknowledge by chasing I'm part of the air pollution problem. Going carless, hopefully, I'm a tiny part of the air quality solution.
Did I tell you how much I love my 30 day Big Blue Bus pass used daily? Care to join in the stress-free, no added carbon way to get around?
Meet new people, read and listen to music on the bus, (be as distracted as you'd like!) and cut wayyy down on potential accidents, which trust me is awful! And if it happens; an unnecessary life distraction. According to XYZ, buses are 100s to 1000s of times safer than driving a car. Check out the studies online.
Take-aways: bring extra clothes and food for weather and bus schedule changes (they get stuck in traffic, too), wear comfortable shoes, watch both ways when crossing the street, and don't sweat missing a bus because there's generally another one coming.
P.S. My other being clean air ways:
A meatless diet. (Over 7 years) No extra pigs, cows or chicks taking up space for my appetite. Space is better used for trees and keeping eco-systems intact. Did you know the Amazon forest was sold out for Westerners to eat hamburgers?
What else? I pay lip-service to buying locally but I haven't succeeded with a closet-full of Made-in-China clothes, and a new iPhone. I upgraded my Made-in-China iPhone 3GS to the Made-in-China iPhone 5s. I do love it. I do wish Apple products were Made in the U.S.A. Ship emissions are far from clean. On the otherhand, I love my Dr. Beat headphones to listen to music on the bus, and they are made in Santa Monica, California!
Have you made positive changes lately?
Photos courtesy of Big Blue Bus and Jeff Brody (clean air correspondent on Hydra Island) and me (chicks in hand).
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