What if we stop buying gas? Okay, those of us who can. Figure out how to walk, bike, or take public transportation. I rarely drive in Los Angeles. Rather I walk and take buses. (Except at night. I learned I live in a neighborhood without enough street lights, and too much construction equipment) During the day, I ride many empty buses. Where are the environmentalists? Let's collectively create No Gas Days and progress to weeks, and... You meet more people when you're not isolated in single car, which is a side benefit. Good reading and listening to books on iPod time, too!
Speak as a consumer, it's the American language. No thank you, I'm not buying your gas.
The other day, I took buses Big Blue 14 and Rapid 10 to Union Station to learn everything Amtrak, without riding the train. It's part of my living without a car education: A little over an hour to get to Union Station, making my connections within 10 minutes. No parking. No additional gas yanked from the earth. Little expense.
Naturally, I met new worldly people along the way, for Los Angeles attracts folks from Tunisia to Vancouver--to name recent bus seat-mates. In one day, I learned about the revolution in Tunisia two years ago, "Wouldn't you know but Egypt's revolution got all the hoopla instead of us. We were first!" And the best kept secret "tour" of the Inside Passage and Queen Charlotte Islands in British Columbia. On the cheap, too. This trip, now on my places-to-visit list, only utilizes rail, bus and boat. Kayak, if strong and lucky. May the winds be with you.
Speaking of around the world: everyone from Prince Rupert in British Columbia, Canada to Louisiana, USA is talking about how to stop the Keystone Pipeline. I'm with you! In addition to calling your representatives and the White House and joining protests, please consider,
"No, thank you. I will not buy your gas."
In Los Angeles, alternatives to driving a car include bus and rail lines:
Big Blue - (310) 451-5444
Metro - (323) 466-3876
Metrolink Trains - (800) 371-5465
Amtrak - (800) 872-7245
Photo 1946 Los Angeles Freeway Traffic courtesy of Metro's Transportation Library. Despite at the time this photo was taken, locals thought this was congestion, (we may beg to differ) I point out that even if you buy a fuel-efficient or an all-electric car, you still take up space. Space is a value. Congestion causes stress. Consider alternatives, if not daily, when you can.
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