Mom went to Iceland, and I got these clean air pictures.
In addition to the excitement of buying her first full-length down coat for the occasion of brrrr cold weather, a chocolate brown color to match her Mini Cooper and many scarves, she loved Iceland.
"Clean air, wholesome food and living habits!"
Her only disappointment was that she didn't make it to Greenland or Iceland's Blue Lagoon where natives and tourists take hot baths in beauty. But she made the boat to Jokulsar Glacial Lagoon with its gorgeous blue ice.
I want to go!
Iceland is known for volcanoes and water. And when the volcanoes are not active, residents and tourists enjoy clean, CLEAN, air!
Beautiful pastoral lands; can you hear Beethoven's 6th?
That's his Pastoral Symphony.
Iceland gets clean energy from geothermal power plants, accessing heat from under the ground.
Mom looked pretty radiant in Iceland if you ask me, and based on my travel to clean air destinations, I'll give some credit to clean air, and mom adds, very clean water.
For the record, mom does not share my clean air obsession.
She flies across continents for an outstanding Opera. Even outstanding architecture that houses Operas.
Mom targeted Iceland because Iceland's capital, Reykjavik, opened a new opera house with unusual architecture called Harpa Concert Hall and Convention Center.
Iceland is run by a female president. And another interesting fact, people don't have last names, though still patriarchal. If I lived there, my name would be Donna Robertsdottir. Robert being my father.
If you need more information on clean air Iceland, I think I should go. :-) I know a woman about my size who has a full-length down coat.
To view my mom's (partial) Iceland photo slideshow, click here.
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