While I was writing this post, I learned KQED's Forum with Michael Krasney has a live radio show about Clean Air and Obama's decision to reverse our "clean air" ozone regulation strides, by overriding science at EPA.
It wasn't easy to create scientific air pollution studies and testify for cleaner ozone standards. And now Obama sets our efforts back, and, in essence, belittles my time, yours, and our lungs in favor of going easy on industry.
I believe Obama must commit to a massive clean energy project to clean our air and provide jobs. Much like Kennedy's commitment and I quote,
"We choose to go to the moon and do other things not because they are easy but because they are hard. Because that goal will serve to organize and measure the best of our energies and skills. Because that challenge is one that we're willing to accept, we're unwilling to postpone, and one we intend to win..."
How about we choose to clean our air and do whatever it takes not because it is easy but because we value life and it is the right thing to do.
Kennedy's commitment got Americans to the moon, Obama's current commitment appears to be same old same old, and dirty air that sends folks to the emergency room resulting in more lost work--more lost life.
Whereas, Obama could've created a huge public clean energy project, giving us cleaner air and jobs.
On a side note, I have no idea who I'll vote for in the next election. Where did Obama's leadership and stand for change go?
Okay, on a lighter note this is what I was writing...
I love photography! So it's not uncommon to see me with a camera and lens, talking aperture.
It's about letting the light in.
I decided my life's "aperture" needs to let more light in; go beyond familiarity to shine light on...a new big project.
Naturally, I'm busy. Do you remember the last time you went into unfamiliar terrain and how it made you feel?
So when my uncle asked why I haven't posted lately, "Readers will want to know," I shrugged my shoulders and thought do they really?
I'll continue to promote solutions to air pollution and clean air getaways but I'll be more discerning because my bigger canvas needs attention.
And while the following isn't the big project!, I've been photographing pets. Above photo is playful Louie romping in backyard. Levity is important, too.
Next clean air getaway and solution to air pollution discovery, I'll post here.
Meanwhile, signing off in mostly clean air Marin County where 80% of the area is parks and trees. (While there is a Spare the Air Day going on in the Bay Area today with elevated ozone, Marin, north of the Golden Gate Bridge, has been spared. Green for ozone, green for fine particulates.)
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