Long before I had the pleasure of coming to clean air Cape Cod, I heard about its literary and artistic legends.
Pulitzer Prize winning poet, Mary Oliver lives in Provincetown (P-Town). Pen/Faulkner & Pulitzer Prize winner, Michael Cunningham of "The Hours" frequents P-Town. And Nobel Prize winning playwright Eugene O'Neill lived and wrote plays here.
And on Art's Dune Tour, we experienced Cape Cod sand dunes like a soft blanket against blue skies where artists' "Dune Shacks" including Norman Mailer's situated in my photo, provided roots for inspiration. It's the place where Mailer wrote Tough Guys Don't Dance.
Inspired and ready to give back, Mailer founded literary retreats and trusts for writers in the area, for which, come to think of it, would work well for me.
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