Hi! My name is Donna. I chase clean air. Let's go! Out of Los Angeles and into the world, chasing clean air, beauty and a sustainable life!
"My compliments on a superb and extremely helpful web site. To the best of my knowledge it's only one of its kind that provides so much detailed information in one place for the clean-air conscious traveler..."
"Your site is outstanding and very informative! I live here in LA and have been hoping to one day find an area with cleaner air..."
"Wow you’re fun to read! I was just forwarding your website to a friend and so had occasion once again to get wrapped up in your world. You are an inspiration..." Read more!
Pacific Rim National Park's Radar Hill is a nearby Tofino excursion.
Clean air!
Radar Hill - Pacific Rim National Park
Pacific Rim National Park's Radar Hill is a nearby Tofino excursion.
Clean air!
Explore the world's cleanest air destinations and useful travel gear. I love adventures in clean air. Over 1,400 original articles to search. If you're new, start here.