Air pollution is linked to premature cardiovascular disease and "events" as polite society says. Diabetes and brain cancer, too. And now some brilliant research surmised that air pollution can be responsible for early death.
How I want to get stronger and more disciplined if that's what is needed to rise above the technology glitches that never end in the glitches/questions/answers cycle that lately I drown in, setting me back into the drone of cars and the 405 freeway. I need more courage and discipline, yes. I must stop responding to my technological glitches.
Today, practically all day, I "played" in Illustrator though trust me it's never play. It's the sort of frustration that keeps me one step removed from committing to a clean air destination. That and other aspects of life that conspire like an obstacle course to keep me from my goal.
Yesterday, I had a major gaffe in iMovie (yes I bought the Mac) and it was going great until I hit this technological wall as I worked on my first "series" for this blog. When I brought my computer into the Apple store, indeed, they said they'd never seen this, it hadn't happened before but yes, I had a real problem. 24 hours later, I had my Mac back.
And my time....?
See those cars above. Everytime I have a glitch, I end up somewhere on that freeway and then writing here, and the cycle continues. Shame on me.
ABC7 in the Bay Area has a special series called Beyond the Headlines. This week they highlighted air pollution's devastating health effects, including premature death, which you can learn more about by clicking here.
I could do a study too that says air pollution contributes to feeling like getting the heck out of town, and when you hit a wall with daily life conspiring to prevent you from leaving, well, an internal fight takes up residence in your better self. Your better self knows what's best. Where to go. (At least you have ideas) What to do. But your daily habitual self steps in armed with fears about the unknown, and then presents an Illustrator problem combined with a Mac problem and this and... and I'm off on a tangent again.
At least by the time I'm done ranting, my designer who I was trying not to rely on, may call back, I mean, email, about that Illustrator problem I never figured out on my own.
Signing off today, a captive of my technology and the air you see above. Well, it's not exactly like that today, for everyday is different, but I'm currently in Los Angeles and the air is rarely good.
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