Due to activism, there will be no more spraying!
I can only hope those of us who were exposed to Check-mate will have no long-term consequences.
I was in Santa Cruz seeking clean air when unbeknownst to me they sprayed pesticides from planes over communities--a pesticide that supposedly stays in the air for months, and contained hormone interruptors, which did interrupt my menstrual cycle, as well spray had carcinogens. Agh. But the program to continue spraying communities throughout Northern California has ceased.
The coast to travel in N. California is now clear.
Photo of light brown apple moth courtesy of Peter Tilley.
So a judge ordered an environmental impact report after many people got sick from aerial pesticide spraying in Monterey and Santa Cruz Counties.
They sprayed the light brown apple moth and people, and 700 dead or dying birds washed to shore, and...
We don't know what the environmental impact report will find, or if the truth will prevail.
So little has made sense thus far beyond financial gain for elected officials who awarded their benefactor, a California pesticide company named Suterra, a multi-million dollar contract despite not one California crop being damaged by light brown apple moth.
Unfortunately, I wasn't told about the aerial pesticide spray before my Monterey and Santa Cruz visit in November 2007 shortly after the government contaminated the air.
As a result of being exposed to the phermone-based pesticide, I didn't get a period for three months, though it'd take me much longer to make the connection. Many women reported the same, and menopausal women as old as 65 reported getting a period.
What steps can you take?
To stop the aerial pesticide spray in Northern California, call Sam Farr if you're a resident of Monterey County and ask him to introduce bill to reclassify light brown apple moth. (831) 429-1976
Ask San Francisco Mayor Gavin to urge Rep. Pelosi to reclassify lbam and lift quarantine here and abroad. (415) 554-6141
Call Rep. Pelosi and urge her to act now to reclassify lbam. (415) 556-4862
Should the spray go through, where will Northern California people go? Especially, sensitive people.
And tourists. They'll need to find new areas to visit. If you're planning a N. California visit late this summer, think again if you care about your health. Check spray dates and locations here.
What about home-owners who will see the value of their homes in San Francisco, Marin, Santa Cruz, to a name a few spray zones, plummet?
Who'd want to buy in Toxicland? Here's first-hand report of people who got ill from Monterey spray.
Currently I'm in Los Angeles and heading for British Columbia, chasing clean air. But most of my family is in the Bay Area. My Mill Valley uncle, who has asthma, is thinking about moving to Bend, Oregon.
Where will you go if your community is illegally sprayed with toxic pesticides?
Meantime, let's make calls to above numbers to stop the spray. You can read facts on illegality of this spray, toxic impacts, and about how this moth hasn't damaged one crop yet is considered a state of emergency with federal money coming from Department of Homeland Security. $330 million for this moth and two other pests. Where will money come from when we really need it. Read more here.