I can't put it down, just finished half the book in one sitting and I believe you will too.
Because They Hate by Brigitte Gabriel is one of the most important books of our times.
I recommend it to every Western individual--American, European, Australian--interested in survival, and understanding the cultural divide between Western and Arab thought, especially those adherents of radical Islam.
Brigitte Gabriel writes eloquently about radical Islam and how their hatred and evil crimes ruined Lebanon.
Ms. Gabriel, a Christian from Lebanon, shows exemplary courage in her fascinating book that sheds a spotlight on TRUTH that only an insider could know and tell.
Lebanon kindly took Muslim refugees/Muslim Palestinians in, and unbeknownst to the Lebanese Christians, who only wanted to help, they became the victims of Muslim hatred, which included savage killings, mutilations, rapes, and war because well, the Christians weren't Muslims.
Brigitte is a journalist who recalls her childhood days of peaceful Lebanon followed by war-torn Lebanon at the hands of radical Islam terrorists.
The only people that lent a hand up, helping their sick and dying for no money, were the compassionate Israelis, those people they'd been taught to hate.
Brigitte trained herself in English by watching TV, worked her way into an anchor position with World News, a position in Jerusalem. And she ultimately buried her mother and father in Jerusalem, the parents she dearly loved and who loved her "higher than the sky, deeper than the ocean, and bigger than the whole wide world"
A courageous free-thinking young woman, who saw that Western civilization was better, Brigitte moved to America with her journalist American-born husband.
Now in America Brigitte speaks out,
"I refuse to stand by and let the same thing happen to my adopted country, USA. Even after 9/11, there are those who say that we must engage our terrorist enemies, that we must address their grievances. Their grievance is our freedom of religion... our democratic process. Islamic religious authorities and terrorists repeatedly state that they will destroy the United States and Western Civilization. Unless we take them at their word, and defend ourselves, they..."
Well, read the book.
This woman writes beautifully, telling her childhood tale of how she survived Islamic terror. She paints a human picture of Lebanon pre and post radical Islam.
Having a human face to the bigger terror story makes the story more understandable. I wish our Speaker of the House would have read this book before her trip to Syria, which I believe was a mistake.
I can still see the little girl Brigitte, wearing her pale blue dress with the little flowers, at home in the mountains when the shelling started because she was a Christian.
Her struggles sowed the seeds for this marvelous book, Because They Hate, which is an education and a warning to us all.
I strongly recommend that you buy it or go to the library. We can't afford to have our heads buried in denial.
www.americancongressfortruth.com is her web site.
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